This is a digital garden 🌱 or second brain 🧠with some attempt at following Zettelkasten note taking.
Hopefully this site will become something that's easy for me to lookup things that I've already learned. I intend to use this to collect notes and thoughts.
It's meant to be entirely self serving, but I guess there's a small chance that someone else might find value here.
I'm currently experimenting with using Obsidian to edit the markdown files for this site.
I'm no longer using obsidian. These files are mostly markdown, the main difference is double square brackets translates to an internal link. So, I just use a text editor.
I'm using eleventy as a static site generator and publishing the site through gh-pages.
I'm no longer using eleventy as a static site generator. I migrated to a simplified static site generator that I implemented in go. I did this because the site is incredibly simple and it is now less likely to break over time due to code rot.